International Day for Biological Diversity - 22 May 2013 - Water and Biodiversity



  The Department of Environment under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade,Tourism, Environment and Labour are making plans to celebrate the International Day for Biodiversity.
The theme "Water and Biodiversity" is a great challenge for us Tuvaluans as there are no streams or rivers and groundwater is not potable; most people rely on rainwater (catchment system with storage facilities). Therefore it is a great opportunity to raise awareness activities so more people will know the current status of biodiversity and to incorporate water to the biodiversity of Tuvalu.
The total population of Tuvalu is approximately 11,206 (estimate 2011)

  Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM)
The IWRM Project with the National Adaptation Program of Action (NAPA) wants to raise awareness on the importance of Water to Tuvaluans and how it will affect Tuvaluan biodiversity. Find out more