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COP 1 Decision I/9
This decision has been retired.

Medium-term programme of work of the Conference of the Parties

The Conference of the Parties

1. Decides to adopt the medium-term programme of work for the period 1995 to 1997 contained in the annex to the present decision;

2. Also decides to review at its next meeting the medium-term programme of work in light of the progress achieved in the implementation of the Convention. Taking into account that the Parties share the deep concern and interest about the need for the safe transfer, handling and use of all living modified organisms resulting from biotechnology to avoid adverse effects on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity,

3. Also decides to establish an open-ended ad hoc group of experts nominated by Governments without undue delay to consider the need for and modalities of a protocol setting out appropriate procedures, including, in particular, advance informed agreement, in the field of the safe transfer, handling and use of any living modified organism resulting from biotechnology that may have adverse effect on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity;

4. Also decides that the open-ended ad hoc group of experts nominated by Governments shall hold one meeting of one week's duration during 1995 with a view to presenting its report to the Conference of the Parties.

5. Decides that the open-ended group of experts nominated by Governments will consider, as appropriate, existing knowledge, experience and legislation in the field of biosafety, including the views of the Parties, subregional, regional and international organizations, with a view to presenting a report for the consideration of the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties, so as to enable the Conference of the Parties to reach an informed decision as to the need for and modalities of a protocol.

6. Requests the Secretariat to submit to the open-ended ad hoc group of experts nominated by Governments relevant information on these matters in sufficient time to facilitate the discussions of the open-ended ad hoc group of experts.

7. Decides that, in order to prepare for the work of the open-ended ad hoc group of experts nominated by Governments, the Secretariat shall establish a panel of 15 experts nominated by Governments, with an equitable geographical representation, in consultation with the Bureau of the COP, assisted by UNIDO, UNEP, FAO and WHO, to prepare a background document to be submitted to the open-ended ad hoc group of experts nominated by Governments based on a consideration, as appropriate, of existing knowledge and experience on risk assessment and management, and guidelines and/or legislation already prepared by the Parties, other Governments and by national and competent subregional, regional and international organizations.

8. Calls upon the international community, particularly the developed countries and non-governmental sectors, to contribute voluntary funds to assist the open-ended ad hoc group of experts nominated by Governments to discharge its mandate effectively.



1. The medium-term programme of work will be constructed on the basis of standing and rolling issues.

2. Standing items will include inter alia:

    2.1 Matters relating to the financial mechanism, including report from the interim institutional structure entrusted with its operation;
    2.2 Report from the Secretariat on the administration of the Convention and budget for the Secretariat;
    2.3 Report from, instructions to and consideration of recommendations from the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA);
    2.4 Reports by Parties on implementation of the Convention;
    2.5 Report on, assessment and review of the operation of the clearing-house mechanism;

2.6 Relationship of the Convention on Biological Diversity with the Commission on Sustainable Development and biodiversity related conventions, other international agreements, institutions and processes of relevance.

3. The other issues and derived activities necessary to implement the Convention should be treated on a year-by-year agenda, on the understanding that these relevant rotating issues will be developed and continually treated in accordance with the decisions of the Conference of the Parties by the SBSTTA and any eventual working groups appointed by the Conference of the Parties. The year-by-year agenda has to be flexible.

4. Treatment of the Work Programme items should also reflect the importance of capacity-building as one of the elements of successful Convention implementation. The Work Programme should always reflect a balance among the Convention's objectives as set forth in Article 1.

5. In 1995, the second meeting of the Conference of the Parties may consider, inter alia,the following items**:

    5.1 General measures for conservation and sustainable use

      5.1.1 To provide information and share experiences on the implementation of Article 6.
    5.2 Conservation of biological diversity

      5.2.1 Preliminary consideration of components of biological diversity particularly under threat and action which could be taken under the Convention;

      5.2.2 To provide information and share experiences on measures for implementing Article 8.
    5.3 Conservation and sustainable use of coastal and marine biological diversity

      5.3.1 To consider coastal and marine biological diversity within the context of the Convention's three objectives and its provisions.
    5.4 Access to genetic resources

      5.4.1 To compile existing legislation, administrative and policy information on access to genetic resources and the equitable sharing of benefits derived from their use;

      5.4.2 To compile information provided by Governments as well as relevant reports from appropriate international organizations regarding policy, legislative, or administrative measures related to intellectual property rights as provided in Article 16 of the Convention and to access to and transfer of technology that makes use of genetic resources.
    5.5 Issues relating to technology

      5.5.1 To consider ways to promote and facilitate access to and transfer and development of technology, as envisaged by Articles 16 and 18 of the Convention.
    5.6 Handling of biotechnology

      5.6.1 To consider the need for and modalities of a protocol for safe handling and transfer of living modified organisms.
    5.7 Report on the financial mechanism

      5.7.1 Consideration of the study prepared by the Secretariat on the availability of financial resources additional to those provided through the restructured Global Environment Facility (GEF), and on the ways and means for mobilizing and channelling these resources in support of the objectives of the Convention taking into account the views expressed by participants on the subject at the Conference of the Parties at its first meeting.
    5.8 Reports by Parties

      5.8.1 To provide the form for reporting;

      5.8.2 To decide on intervals for reporting.
    5.9 Relationship with the FAO Global System for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

      5.9.1 To be informed and to be able to consider progress made revising the International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in order to consider its consistency with the objectives and provisions of the Convention and implementation of Resolution 3 of the Nairobi Final Act;

      5.9.2 To beinformed aboutand to beableto considerthepreparation forthe forthcoming International Technical Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture in 1996;

      5.9.3 To be informed about developments with regard to ex situ collections of plant genetic resources.

6. In 1996, the third meeting of the Conference of the Parties may consider, inter alia,the following items:

    6.1 General measures for conservation and sustainable use;
    6.2 Identification, monitoring and assessment

      6.2.1 To consider options for implementing Article 7;

      6.2.2 Appraisal of SBSTTA's review of assessment of biological diversity for the implementation of Article 25(2)(a) and advice on methodologies for future assessments;
    6.3 Conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biological diversity

      6.3.1 To consider agricultural biological diversity within the context of the Convention's three objectives and its provisions;
    6.4 Consideration of the future programme of work for terrestrial biological diversity in the light of the outcome of deliberations of the third session of the Commission on Sustainable Development in 1995;
    6.5 Knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities;

      6.5.1 Implementation of Article 8(j);
    6.6 Access to genetic resources

      6.6.1 To compile the views of Parties on possible options for developing national legislative, administrative or policy measures, as appropriate, to implement Article 15.
    6.7 Issues related to technology

      6.7.1 To consider ways to promote and facilitate access to and transfer and development of technology, as envisaged by Articles 16 and 18 of the Convention.
    6.8 Incentive measures

      6.8.1 To consider options for implementing Article 11.
    6.9 Special session of the General Assembly to review implementation of Agenda 21

      6.9.1 To consider possible inputs from the perspective of the Convention's three objectives.

7. In 1997, the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties may consider, inter alia,the following items:

    7.1 Review of medium-term programme of work (1995-1997)

      7.1.1 To undertake an overall review and consider a longer term work programme;
    7.2 Models and mechanisms for linkages between in situ and ex situ conservation;
    7.3 Measures for implementing the Convention

      7.3.1 To provide information and share experiences on the implementation of Article 13;

      7.3.2 To provide information and share experiences on the implementation of Article 14;
    7.4 Consideration of matters related to benefit sharing

      7.4.1 To consider measures to promote and advance the distribution of benefits from biotechnology in accordance with Article 19;
    7.5 Technical and scientific cooperation.

** The order given does not reflect any prioritization of items, but merely reflects the general structure of the Convention.