Country Profiles

Convention on Biological Diversity

Ms. Samirah Mohammad Abdullah Al Kandari
Acting Director General
Environment Public Authority (EPA)
P.O. Box 24395
Safat 13104

CBD Primary NFP
+965 22208511
+965 22208369
Ms. Leina Al-Awadhi
Department of Biodiversity Conservation
Environment Public Authority (EPA)
P.O. Box 24395
Safat 13104

CBD Primary NFP, CHM NFP, SBSTTA NFP, Traditional Knowledge NFP, Protected Areas NFP, GTI NFP, Resource Mobilization FP, GSPC NFP
+965 22208511
+965 25415703

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

Mr. Hani Abbas Altamimi
Head of Natural Reserves Section
Biodiversity Conservation Department
Environment Public Authority (KEPA)
P.O. Box 24395
Safat 13104

Cartagena Protocol Primary NFP, BCH NFP
+965 22208310 ext 6023, +965 99689832
+965 25415703

Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing