Aichi-Nagoya International E-Conference on the Post 2010 Biodiversity Target (ANIEC 2010)

ANIEC 2010 - Question 4

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What will be your message to the Heads of States meeting on biodiversity on 20 September 2010 in New York and to the delegates to COP 10?

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Bring a new protocol on Access and benefit sharing !! [#502]
Please get ready for conclusion on new protocol of ABS.
You have every right to voice own county's point of view,
but please try to get a win-win resolution.
Respect other people's perspectives.(diversity!)
Step forward to compromise positivly.

PS:United States,I'm waiting for you, please join!
posted on 2009-12-18 13:48 UTC by Frédéric Rohart, L'Echo
Again, pursuing win-win solutions with not national interests but GLOBAL INTERAST perspective! 
Biodiversity has no boder!
Plants animals and natures have no concept of boders!
We are drawing egocentric lines on continents and wasting time for senseless fightings!
Wake up!!
posted on 2010-06-20 14:02 UTC by Frédéric Rohart, L'Echo